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2017 Chapter Officers





President - Robin Miller

Vice President - Tonnesha Lewis
Recording Secretary - Kassel Kendricks

Assistant Secretary - Tiffany Childress
Treasurer - Katrina Hale
Financial Secretary  - Lawanda Reynolds
Correspondence Secretary - Tawanna Harris
Parliamentarian - Cheryl K. Johnson

Chaplain - Gloria H. Flowers

Ivy Leaf Reporter - Angie Spencer
Historian - Sheryl Gilbreath

Official Hostess - Nyah Whitaker

Door Keeper - DeShannon March
Member-at-Large - Phyllis Campbell
Member-at-Large - Valerie Britton
Member-at-Large - Monica Griffin

Committee Chairmen




Standing Committees

*Chairman                    **Co-Chairman

Archives            *Sheryl Gilbreath
Audit                  *Norma Reeves

Bylaws               *Cheryl K. Johnson

Connection       *Jacqueline Dennis
Courtesy            *Nyah Whitaker
Finance              *Katrina Hale

Founders’ Day  * Pamela Scott

                          ** Tawanna Harris

Handbook         *Kassel Kendricks

Leadership             *Cheryl K. Johnson


Membership          *DeShannon March
                                  **Kassel Kendricks
Program                  *Tonnesha Lewis
                                   **Lawanda Reynolds

Publicity                  *Angie Spencer
Standards                *Dana WG Minor

Strategic Planning * Phyllis Campbell

Technology              *Lawanda Reynolds

Ad Hoc Committees

*Chairman                    **Co-Chairman

Target 1 - A.S.C.E.N.D.
 Valerie Britton, Lead Coach
 Kassel Kendricks, Lead Co-Coach

 Veronica Hunter, Co-Coach
 Veranda Adkins, Co-Coach
Target 1 - One Million Backpacks
* Juronica Arch

** Samone Jones
Target 1 - Think HBCU
 *Lillian Taylor

** Gail Gandy
Target 2 - Health Promotion
* Sandra Williams
** Jackie Abrams




Target 3 - Family Strengthening
* Robin Miller

**Angela Boyd
Target 3 - Fiscal Responsibility
* Katrina Hale
Target 4 - Environmental Ownership
* Kay Cutts
** Monica Griffin
Target 5 - Global Impact
* Dana WG Minor







Ivy Reflections (Choir)
* Jackie Abrams
* Veranda Adkins

Prince to King

*Acacia Sturdivant

** Tiffany Richardson


Scholarship—HBCU & Dr. Olivia H. Sanders Academic Scholarship
* Bobbie T Jordan

** Courtney Jones
Sisterly Relations
* Ayanna Lampley

**Tiffany Childress



Angel Pageant
* Erica Ignont
** Lawanda Reynolds
** Veronica Hunter
** LaShawn Gardner
* Jackie Cole
** Tonnesha Lewis
Chapter Anniversary
* Shana Freeman
** Winnifer McGee
* Kimberly Wright
Family Celebration
* India Bolden
** Valerie Britton


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